Principal’s message

GRCS is a high achieving, happy, and vibrant school in which children excel, both academically and socially.

Our excellent staff are committed and dedicated to ensuring that each and every child achieves. We have high standards and expect the best.

GRCS Family and Friends –

We welcome our new and returning families for the 2024-2025 school year.  We have a Great God, who continually blesses Great River Christian School. God gave parents the joy (and sometime frustration) of teaching their children. We at Great River Christian School are excited to come alongside and help with that task.  We are now able to accept the Iowa ESA funding, which helps to reduce the cost of private education for our Iowa families.

Proverbs 1:7  “The fear of the Lord is the true foundation of knowledge…” (NLT) One of our goals is to make sure that every child receives subject matter instruction with a Biblical Worldview.  While the Bible may not reference specific topics ( War of 1812, regions of the brain, diagraming a sentence, Pythagorean formula, etc..)  There are a lot of principles and themes the Bible uses that have bearing on each academic subjects. (Is there ever a “just” war? How do we define life?  How can we effectively communicate the Gospel Message? Is God a god of order and design?)

Great River Christian School is excited to partner with parents on the adventure of teaching their kids.

It is going to be a fantastic school year.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Ryan Smith

Principal, Great River Christian School